Sergejs Mihailovs


Sergejs Mihailovs

Surgeon specializing in phlebology and proctology

Consultations, diagnostics and treatment in general surgery (treatment of venous diseases, skin and subcutaneous surgery, purulent diseases (ingrown toenails, furuncles, trophic ulcers etc.), abdominal hernia and proctological diseases). Performs ultrasound and dopplerography examinations. Only phlebological operations are performed in the ''Juglas klīnika'' branch. Consults in doctors' outings in Latvian cities and regions. Provides services paid by the National Health Service (NSS), insurance companies and patients.

Additional information

  • Member of Latvian Vascular Surgery Association.

  • Member of Latvian Surgery Association.

Clinics with the best services

Branches where the service is available

Baltic Vein Clinic

+ 371 67847200

Jugla Clinic

+371 67136282 +371 29330086

Clinic of Dermatology

+ 371 67847102

Capital Clinic Riga

+ 371 66333333 + 371 29334224

Private clinic ''Family health''

+ 371 65423739 + 371 65427075