Segmental Doppler ultrasound

Apart from duplex scanning of superficial and deep veins, angiography and phlebography, the newest generation segmental Doppler ultrasound examinations are available. Furthermore, this ABility Dopplerograph of the newest generation makes measurements itself, automatically calculates results and issues a printout within 3 minutes only.

Segmental Doppler ultrasound is the simplest method for the determining of tibio(ankle)-brachial(upper arm) index (TBI), but it is very important examination method, which provides basic awareness of the condition of leg and arm arteries, allows determining the condition of arterial blood vessels, patency and potential stenoses thereof.

Measurements of arterial pressure on the arteries of legs and arteries allows to calculate the Tibio-brachial index, which reliably characterises the supply of arterial circulation in the legs. In patients with pronounced peripheral arteries disease in the legs, blood pressure in the ankles will be lower than that in the arms. TBI - brachial index figure - is obtained by dividing the arterial pressure in the legs with the arterial pressure of the upper arm. The normal values of the index figure vary from 9 to 1.3. The figure that approaches 0.9 can point to the presence of peripheral artery diseases in the legs, if it is even lower - a severe arterial occlusion in the legs could be the case.

Unfortunately, due to the constitution of a person, the information obtained during duplex ultrasound examination can be insufficient and additional examinations are required.

ABility dopplerograph can be used for:

  • The control of the dynamic change of peripheral arterial disease;

  • The assessment of wound care;

  • Patients with venous or arterial ulcers, as well as prior to that, while using compression therapy;

  • Patients before/after reconstructive surgeries of blood vessels;

  • Patients with an amputation of one of the lower extremities.


  • For patients, who are at risk of developing a periphery artery disease;

  • To determine symptomatic peripheral artery diseases.


  • Suspicion of deep vein thrombosis or an existing deep vein thrombosis;

  • Severe cardiac failure or similar pathological condition;

  • Gangrene;

  • A history of recent skin transplantation;

  • Rotator cuff injury;

  • Dermatitis;

  • Patients, who cannot remain in motionless or lying position;

  • Patients below 18 years of age;

  • Severe hypertension;

  • Parkinson''s disease;

  • Lymphatic oedema;

  • Severe oedema of extremities.