A neurosurgeon treats vascular diseases, brain and spinal cord diseases, congenital anomalies, traumas, tumors, etc. Neurosurgery is a branch of surgery that diagnoses and treats diseases of the central and peripheral nervous systems, brain and spinal cord, cerebral blood vessels, and spine. Treatment can be both non-surgical or conservative, as well as surgical. Neurosurgeons use various medications and surgical methods in therapy. To determine an accurate diagnosis, assess the course of the disease, and evaluate the results of treatment, neurosurgeons primarily use computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and angiography examinations. These examinations are available at "Veselības centrs 4" branches and group companies. A neurosurgeon provides consultations, performs diagnostics, and treatment for the following diseases:
Central nervous system oncological diseases (brain tumors, primary and secondary spinal tumors);
Central nervous system traumas;
Intervertebral disc herniation;
Disturbances of cerebrospinal fluid dynamics (hydrocephalus);
Chiari malformations;
Peripheral neuropathies;
Cerebral vascular pathologies;
Back pain (blockades are performed);
Disorders of consciousness;
Dizziness and balance disorders;
Movement disorders (essential tremor, Parkinson's disease, etc.);
Carpal tunnel syndrome;
Nervous system infections;
Peripheral nervous system diseases;
Muscle diseases;
Diseases of the autonomic nervous system.
The most common symptoms that require a visit to a neurosurgeon are:
Back pain;
Pain in arms and legs;
Movement disorders in the hands, weakness in the arms;
Numbness in the hands;
Balance disorders;
Disorders of consciousness;
Post-traumatic consequences, etc.
These symptoms can be precursors to serious diseases, so in case of complaints, do not delay a visit to a neurosurgeon.