Baiba Putniņa


Baiba Putniņa

Provides proctologist consultations in cases of: discomfort – burning, pain, or itching in the anal area; purulent or mucous discharge; bleeding during defecation; blood in the stool; the appearance of formations in the anal area; a foreign body sensation in the rectum; difficulty with bowel movements; fecal or gas incontinence; changes in bowel movement frequency; frequent constipation or diarrhea. Consults on the following conditions: rectal polyps; anal fissures (cracks and tears); proctitis (acute/chronic inflammation of the intestines); paraproctitis (inflammation of soft tissues); rectal tumors; fecal and gas incontinence; other diseases of the rectum, colon, and surrounding tissues; hemorrhoidal disease; itching and perianal dermatitis; rectal and perianal scars; sinus pilonidalis or chronic/acute inflammation of the coccygeal epithelial tract; skin tags around the anus; all types of perineal aesthetic issues. Performs rectoscopy with or without biopsy, removal of perianal formations using a CO2 laser. Provides insurance-covered and paid services.

Clinics with the best services

Branches where the service is available

Capital Clinic Riga