Marcis Gedins


Marcis Gedins

Specialises in DUPLEX ultra sound, diagnostics and treatment of the pathologies of the veins and arteries of legs. Performs the following vein surgeries: Endovenous laser surgery (EVLT) Endovenous radiofrequency obliteration  (RFO) Vein surgeries accordingly to the Miller – Varady method Reconstructive surgeries of artheries

Additional information

  • President of the Latvian Phlebologist Association.

  • Member of the European Association for Vascular Surgery.

  • Vascular surgeon of the Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital.

  • Had in-service training in the clinics of Germany, Holland and Sweden.

Clinics with the best services

Branches where the service is available

Baltic Vein Clinic

+ 371 67847200