A neurologist is a physician specialised in diagnostics and treatment of nervous system disorders. During a consultation, a neurologist performs a general neurologic examination, assess the patient's higher neural functions. If an infection in the nervous system is suspected, the meningeal sign test is mandatory. After neurological exam, the physician comes up with a diagnosis. If it's still unclear, the patient might be referred to additional laboratory and visual diagnostic tests (X-ray, CAT, MRI, USG, EEG, etc.). Different methods are used in diagnostics of neurologic disorders, but the choice depends on the individual factors, medical history and neurological test results.
Neurology covers a broad spectrum of disorders, because it is associated with not only central and peripheral nervous system diseases, but also with vascular, muscular, metabolic, bone, internal organ and other diseases. After establishing the diagnosis, the physician explains the nature of the disease, its course, possible causes and consequences, prescribes medicines or gives some advice.
Red flags for visiting a neurologist:
Headache, back pain, pain of different nerves;
Blackouts (fainting, epileptic seizures);
Dizziness, impaired balance and coordination;
Motor disorders (hand shaking, slowness etc.), weak limbs;
Impaired memory;
Anxiety, vegetative symptoms (heart palpitations, sweating etc.).