Sniedz konsultācijas, veic ārstēšanu un dinamisko novērošanu neiroloģisku slimību gadījumos pieaugušajiem no 18 gadu vecuma. Sniedz gan Nacionālā veselības dienesta, gan apdrošināšanas kompāniju apmaksātus, gan maksas pakalpojumus.
RSU RW 2021 ''Most common in-hospital complications of stroke in Riga East University Hospital Neurovascular department''
NS Congress 2021 ''Most common in-hospital complications of stroke in Riga East University Hospital Neurovascular department from january to may 2021''
7th Congress of the EAN ''SARS-CoV-2 associated Guillain-Barre syndrome: first adult case series in Latvia''
The 2nd International Conference of Controversies in Neuropathic pain ''Correlation Between Small Fiber Sensory Neuropathy Semiology and Quantitative Sensory Testing Thermal Sensory Thresholds''
RSU ISC 2022 ''Relationship between quantitative sensory testing thermal sensory thresholds and semiological characteristics of small fiber sensory neuropathy''
BALCONE 2022 ''Serum Neurofilament Light Chain as Biomarker of Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Type A progressions''
BALCONE 2022 ''Riga East University Hospital Neuro-oncology Registry: evaluation of the epidemiological-clinical data and functional outcome of patients with primary CNS tumors'' Pieejama tikšanās: