
The Author: Veselības centrs 4

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Medical Tourism in Latvia

Medical tourists are foreign patients coming to Latvia to receive medical services, undergo rehabilitation, medical manipulations, surgeries or for preventive health improvement. The opportunities provided by modern medicine, high-quality technical support and physicians'' professionalism in Latvia are highly praised. This is confirmed by a steady increase in the number of foreign patients in clinics, medical and rehabilitation centres in our country.

The process of engaging patients from other countries was launched in Latvia in 2009. Private clinics in cooperation with state and municipal institutions came to the general opinion that the stability of the industry can be ensured by attracting foreign patients. An alliance of Latvian private clinics Baltic Care was founded; it brought together the best Latvian specialists and accumulated the ability to take good care of patients' health. Moreover, prices for high-quality medical services in Latvia are significantly lower than in Western Europe or in Scandinavia.

Geography of Medical Tourism

The number of foreign patients using medical services in Latvia is growing year after year. This sector has held an increasingly stable place in the Latvian economy.

Latvia attracts foreign patients not only with the modern level of medical services, but also with relatively low prices, for instance, the cost of a vein surgery or a full medical check-up is three to five times less compared with Germany.

The second advantage is the ability to quickly get an appointment with specialists and undergo examinations. It takes less than two weeks from the moment when a patient sends their application until a consultation or a manipulation.

The number of foreign patients at SIA ''Veselības centrs 4'' is steadily growing every year. The most significant increase is observed among patients from UK and Ireland. Patients also come to Latvia from the Baltic countries, Germany, the USA, Canada, as well as the Scandinavian countries – Norway, Sweden and Denmark.

We are members of Latvian health tourism cluster.

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