
The Author: Veselības centrs 4

X-Ray examinations rank among most informative ones and they are frequently prescribed as first examinations. Nowadays all X-Ray examinations are carried out in digital format.  This method, in comparison with regular X-Ray imaging method, is much less harmful, since it enables considerable reduction of the radiation dose - radiation dose is reduced by 90%.

However, the need for X-Ray examinations must be assessed individually and therefore a referral of a general practitioner or a specialist physician is required. Pregnant women must avoid X-Ray examinations.

  • Diagnosing of thoracic and head trauma, bone fractures, dislocations, deformations of the vertebral column and bones, as well as arthrosis;
  • Functional projections of the skull;
  • Examinations of paranasal sinuses, bones of the thorax;
  • Examinations of urinary tract;
  • Contrast examinations of kidneys, ureters, etc.

National Health Service (NHS), insurance company and paid services are available.