Basic information

Provides consultation, treatment and dynamic monitoring in cases of surgical diseases in adults. Practiced in the treatment of proctological diseases and trophic ulcers.

Provides services paid by National Health Service, insurance companies and patients.

Also accepts patients for outpatient consultations at Līvāni Hospital.

Additional information

  • Since 2022 - surgeon at ''Veselības centrs 4'' (Health Center 4) group company ''Pārventas poliklīnika'' and outpatient consultations at SIA ''Līvānu slimnīca''
  • Since 2019 - residency in the specialty of general surgeon (Riga East Clinical University Hospital ''Gaiļezers'')
  • In 2019 - graduated from Riga Stradins University with medical degree

Branches in which patients are admitted

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