Basic information

Performs classical therapeutic massage, segmental and myofascial massage, as well as massages for pregnant women.

Accepts patients from the age of 18.

Provides services covered by insurance companies and also offers paid services.

Additional information

  • Since 2024 - Masseuse at the ''Health Center 4'' branch of the ''Anti-Aging Institute.''
  • Since 2022 - Cosmetologist at SIA ''Old Riga Spa.''
  • In 2022 - Graduated from the Riga Style and Fashion Technical School in the program ''Cosmetologist.'' Third professional qualification level.
  • In 2020 - Graduated from the University of Latvia, P. Stradins Medical College, obtaining a massage therapist qualification and a first-level professional higher education diploma.


  • myofascial massage in various pathological cases;
  • aromatherapy program;
  • clinical anatomy in the practice of massage therapy;
  • connective tissue massage;
  • massage for pregnant women.

She has participated multiple times in the Northern International Massage Championship.

Branches in which patients are admitted

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