Basic information

Provides consultations, carries out diagnostics, treatment and prophylaxis in case of various acute and chronic skin and nail diseases. Performs optical and digital dermatoscopy of skin masses, skin biopsies, diagnostics and treatment of face skin diseases. Removes benign skin masses using laser technologies, removes blood vessel masses, removes pigment spots, treats dilated face skin blood vessels using laser, diagnoses and treats warts and papillomas using electrocoagulation and cryodestruction methods.

Provides services paid by insurance companies and paid services.

! Visiting consultations in Latvian towns and regions (Saldus and Kuldiga).

You can also make an appointment with the specialist on the telemedicine website 

Additional information

  • Since 1998 – dermatologist at SIA Veselibas centrs 4
  • In 1996 – finished the Medical Academy Latvia, mastering the specialty of a dermatovenereologist
  • In 1993 – finished the Medical Academy Latvia, obtaining a physician''s degree
  • Member of Latvian Association of Dermatovenereologists
  • Member of European Association of Dermatovenereologists
  • Member of Latvian Dermatoscopy
  • Member of Latvian Aesthetic Laser Surgery Association

Doctor has 20 years of working experience in clinical studies on psoriasis, atopic dermatitis.

Branches in which patients are admitted


Viss mani apmierināja - gan ārste Vita Priedīte, gan pārējais personāls, kopīgā attieksme, telpas utt. Visi forši, laipni, smaidīgi.

Dagnija J.

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