'' Health centre 4 '' spotlights


More gentle bunion surgeries at the Baltic Vein Clinic

The technology of the Baltic Vein Clinic has been supplemented by a novelty - the unique Arthrex® DrillSaw Highspeed 200 ™ system for maximum gentle bunion surgery. The new technology allows for minimally invasive bunion (hallux valgus) and other orthopedic surgeries without sacrificing the high quality of the result.


The first in the Baltics - SmartPico laser only at our Dermatology Clinic

During life, we almost inevitably experience unwanted skin pigmentation - dark pigment spots, age spots, acne scars, sun-induced hyperpigmentation, weary or poor quality tattoos.

Dermatoloģijas jautājumi Tehnoloģijas

New! Eye laser surgery with Optimis FUSION combined YAG/SLT laser for glaucoma treatment

Capital Clinic Riga Ophthalmology Office has been equipped with Quantel Medical combined YAG/SLT laser Optimis FUSION of the latest generation for treating glaucoma and secondary cataract. Laser surgery is performed by ophthalmologist Solveiga Čivljaka, MD.


New! Pollogen Geneo platform for radiant and smooth facial skin

High-performance procedure with immediate effect for restoration, care, and toning up the skin of face, décolleté area, and hands. Within an hour, using the Pollogen Geneo procedure (manufactured by Lumenis, Israel), you will get radiant skin. The almost futuristic beauty platform combines tripolar radio frequency (RF), OxyGeneo technology and ultrasound, as well as patented active substance serums and gel. Procedure course improves the skin tonus and tone, restores the balance of problematic skin and stimulates the natural skin restoration processes. Procedure is suitable for face, décolleté area, and upper surface of palms.

Nozares jaunumi Tehnoloģijas

Veselības centrs 4 offers Covid 19 antibody test

The laboratory of Veselības centrs 4 provides an opportunity to identify class IgG antibodies to SARS-CoV-2. In the event of Covid-19 infection, the body develops class IgG antibodies relatively early and their presence can be detected for the longest period of time. Therefore, the test for this antibody is considered to be a reliable element of having had a Covid-19 infection.

Nozares jaunumi Tehnoloģijas

New! Facial skin diagnostics using VISIA®

The new VISIA® skin condition analysis system of the seventh generation provides currently the most accurate and fastest professional facial analysis. The image receiver of the device evenly rotates around the client''s face, facilitating the process of taking images and at the same time providing the client maximum comfort during the examination.


NEW! Body mass and structure analysis

''Veselības centrs 4'' filiālē ''Diagnostikas centrs'' pieejami izmeklējumi ar jaunākās paaudzes osteodensitometrijas iekārtu Hologic Horizon W, kas ļauj veikt augstvērtīgu diagnostiku ar vēl mazāku starojuma devu, augstāku precizitāti un attēlu izšķirtspēju. No standarta osteodensitometra Horizon W modelis atšķiras ar vairākām papildu funkcijām, kuras aprīkojumu ļauj izmantot plašāka spektra pārbaudēm, piemēram, visa ķermeņa (Whole Body) kompozīcijas jeb ķermeņa masas un struktūras noteikšanai un analīzei.

Nozares jaunumi Tehnoloģijas

GE Voluson E10 for particularly complicated cases

The most recent version of General Electric (GE) ultrasound machine Voluson E10 is now available for gynaecologists and obstetricians of Capital Clinic Riga, company of Veselības centrs 4 group. It is a highly valued expert class ultrasound machine used in gynaecology, reproductive medicine and perinatal diagnostics all over the world.
