'' Health centre 4 '' spotlights



COVID-19 vīrusa iespējamās izplatības profilakse. Pacientu un personāla drošības nolūkos ''Veselības centrs 4'' aicina pacientus iepazīties, un ievērot uzņēmuma īstenotos drošības pasākumus.

Noderīgi padomi Sievietes veselībai Vīrieša veselībai

Preventive medicine

One of the characteristics of the 21st century is the ageing of the society – as the number of elderly people increases, the average age of the population is growing. This trend has arisen as a result of the rapid development of science, medicine and general welfare. The very understanding of the concept of ageing has also changed within less than a century – the motivation of enjoying the life in the most valuable meaning thereof has replaced the years gone and remaining.

Nozares jaunumi

NOVELTY IN LATVIA! Targeted therapy in a multidisciplinary team for the development of children: audio speech therapist and physiotherapist

Multidisciplinary therapy is now available at Bērnu veselības centrs (Children's Health Centre), a branch of Veselības centrs 4, where an audio speech therapist and a physiotherapist work as a united team, thus ensuring the achievement of maximum of the desired therapy results. Both specialists set common targets and harmonise their tasks on the basis of examination results, age of the child, their skills and capacities, and afterwards implement the set objectives at therapy sessions. This type of multidisciplinary therapy is available in Latvia for the first time.


New! Facial skin diagnostics using VISIA®

The new VISIA® skin condition analysis system of the seventh generation provides currently the most accurate and fastest professional facial analysis. The image receiver of the device evenly rotates around the client''s face, facilitating the process of taking images and at the same time providing the client maximum comfort during the examination.


Endovenous surgery leaders meet at an international forum in Riga

''2nd Northern European Endovenous Forum'' (NEEF) took place in Riga from 17 – 19 August.


NEW! Body mass and structure analysis

''Veselības centrs 4'' filiālē ''Diagnostikas centrs'' pieejami izmeklējumi ar jaunākās paaudzes osteodensitometrijas iekārtu Hologic Horizon W, kas ļauj veikt augstvērtīgu diagnostiku ar vēl mazāku starojuma devu, augstāku precizitāti un attēlu izšķirtspēju. No standarta osteodensitometra Horizon W modelis atšķiras ar vairākām papildu funkcijām, kuras aprīkojumu ļauj izmantot plašāka spektra pārbaudēm, piemēram, visa ķermeņa (Whole Body) kompozīcijas jeb ķermeņa masas un struktūras noteikšanai un analīzei.

Nozares jaunumi Tehnoloģijas

Stem cells obtained from fat tissues

Ltd. Veselības Centrs 4 offers the opportunity to obtain stem cells from patient''s own fat tissues during a plastic surgery or mini liposuction (with a mini skin incision under local anaesthesia). This valuable material ensuring the natural regeneration of the body can later be used in treatment and beauty care.

Nozares jaunumi

I recovered what I thought I had lost!

A short time ago, the Health Center 4 'Gynecology Department welcomed thousands of customers who had a MonaLisa Touch® laser procedure using the DEKA laser. We asked Yekaterina to share the experience of the procedure and its results.

Sievietes veselībai

GE Voluson E10 for particularly complicated cases

The most recent version of General Electric (GE) ultrasound machine Voluson E10 is now available for gynaecologists and obstetricians of Capital Clinic Riga, company of Veselības centrs 4 group. It is a highly valued expert class ultrasound machine used in gynaecology, reproductive medicine and perinatal diagnostics all over the world.


160-Lsyer computer tomography device purchased by Veselības centrs 4

Veselības centrs 4 replaced the computed tomography (CT) device of the previous generation with a premium class Canon 160-layer computed tomography system Aquilion Prime SP, which meets the highest quality standards, provides high resolution, impeccable performance rate and opportunity to get excellent cross cut images.


Cyanoacrylate or biological adhesive also against haemorrhoids

Rectal diseases are those, we are speaking about and addressing a doctor only in case of extreme need. In terms of prevalence, the most widespread are haemorrhoids; however, more than 10 types of haemorrhoid surgeries are used for treatment of this disease worldwide (LONGO, STARR, HET, HAL- RAL, EVRF, Liga Sure, THD, RAFAELO, laser therapy etc.), which are available also at ''Health Center 4'', Ltd. Now the extensive range of treatment methods is supplemented by the cyanoacrylate (biological adhesive) method.